Tuesday 20 November 2012

Today I wanna tell you about the different aspect of writing on the blogs...

In this level of english class (level three) we have to learn to use the blogs
The idea is make the blogs one tool for learn and practice write in english.
The positives aspects of writing on the blog is the option that you have to view the other blogs, the classmates blogs, and the same time they can view your own blog and share different comment about the topic that you write.
This activity contributes to think in english not in spanish and make phrases with more confidence, and with the time and practice my orthography is better than the beginning.
I don´t have any negative comment about this method because I learn a lot with this.

well now this is the end, I hope pass this class, and the next semester study the level four. Now is time to give all about us and get a 4,0 for the victory.


Tuesday 13 November 2012

today I gonna write about a film...
the last film I saw was the "Det sjunde inseglet" or "The seventh seal". I saw this film the last weekend on sunday night at my home, because I ask this movie to a friend on the week to record it on my computer.
This movie is a Swedish production, directed and writted by Ingmar Bergman in 1957.
The genre of the film is a mix of drama and fiction and questions the meaning of life, suffering and pain.
In the film the director mentions many topics arround the figure of god like the abandonment of god to man in the earth, or "the silence in the heaven"  like in the first words mentioned in the beginning of the movie, the power of the church, the faith of existence after death and how this is seen in the superior imaging as god and the devil. The central idea is to have a question, How the human can still belive in faith when the only in the word is pain and suffering?
The actors who appers with the is Max von Sydow, Bibi Andersson, Gunnar Björnstrand, Bengkt Ekerot, Nils Poppe, Inga Gill, Gunnel Lindblom, Åke Fridell, Maud Hansson, Bertil Anderberg, Anders Ek, Erik Strandmark, Benkt-Åke Benktsson and Inga Landgré.
I enjoyed saw this film because is interesting know classics movies and analyze a topic which remains present.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Hello everybrody!
Today I had to do exercises to practice my English, If I would lie I would say it was fun but it was not because I fell so tired and I have allergy, and obviously the hot is insupportable. 
Whatever I was practice and I got good results and that make me happy :) it´s a triumph.
Now we have to practice more for the exam and the idea is that all pass the class with a good mark.

by!! <3

Tuesday 23 October 2012

the BBC website

When I explore the BBC website, the first I do was is go to the quizzes, in this link I check the games and I discover a game with quizzes, when I try to game I was see me in a trouble because I don't understand the game, in this moment I think, oh! that is doesn´t easy like I suppose, but I keep trying.

After I continue the game, this game have a caracter, is a salesmen in a supermarket, and now I know how I have to play. I have to put a wathermelon in the box with the correct answer for the question in the high part of the quizz. When I was understand the game I began to enjoy it and laugh, because the questions are so funny, the game ask me about popular phrase, like
"We need to clean this place now, is like a _ _ _ _ _ _"    and I have to answer PIGSTY

After I was continue investigated the website and I was discover other quizzes in down part of the page, I choose wordmaster and I try lucky there, obviously I was select the easy level to begin, but this doesn´t result because I don´t have a good score in this quizz, my score in this quizz is more bad than my score in the other quizz.

Maybe I try again when I have more time to practice, now I have to run to do my proyects for others classes.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

My favorite song

If I think in music I think about the many kind of music I enjoy, but there´s a song special, this song makes me crazy, the lyric it´s so funny and when I listen the melody gives me happines, an then in many times I feel the initiative to go out, and make a party with my friends. 
The song how I speak is "Mi gran noche" for Rafael. I think I like this song because my Mom enjoys listen Rafael when I was a child, and this reminds me of beatiful moments with her car listen a cassette for "Rafael de España". Generally I enjoy listening to these songs, old songs with lyrics in Spanish,  songs with melodramatic lyrics especially make me laugh.

Now I gonna show you this song, I will you enjoy the melody like me..... and de video because it´s so funny and little ridiculous....

Well I lose my concentration, and now I understand a mistake I made, I had to choose a song in english not in spanish. 
Well I choose "Martyr" for Depeche Mode, this is a good song because it uses a good melody and the band it´s so great, every morning I listen to the song because the riff give me animus to go to class and take the awful bus. 
If you think the lyrics it´s melodramatic too, jajaja .... maybe I enjoy listen melodramatic music, maybe I´m a  melodramatic person. Whatever now I´m gonna show the lyrics and the video, enjoy it!

I've been a martyr for love
And I will die in the flames
As I draw my last breath
As I'm close in on death
I will call out your name

I've been a martyr for love
Nailed up on the cross
While you're having your fun
As the damage is done
I'm assessing the cost

I knew what I was letting myself in for
I knew that I could never even the score

I've been a martyr for love
I need to be by your side
I have knelt at your feet
I have felt you deceit
Could have leave if I tried

I've been a martyr for love
Tortured every hour
From the day I was born
I've been moved like a pawn
By the greatest of powers

I knew that I would have to suffer in vain
Aware that I would never outgrow the pain

I've been a martyr for love
I've been a martyr for love
I've been a martyr for love

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Fiestas Patrias

Every year for a long time I usually past this hollidays whit my friends, but this year I was prefer celebrate whit my parents and my sister and obviously with my pet. 
The last celebration for the Fiestas Patrias I went with my family to the beach, specifically to Algarrobo.
In this time we decided to make the trip with my pet Flo. She is a dog and she enjoy a lot the swim in the sea. The trip was dificult because Flo was feeling so nervous and she didn´t  stop to barking. When we finally arrived to my house we calmed down and Flo did too.
My family and me to plan stay there for a week, but after we decided stayed for two days more.
One day my family and I we was go to the fonda, this was really funny, we was dance and eat a lot tipical food, like anticucho and churros, it´s was great, and obviously we drank too, we was buy a BIG terremoto and then everytime we feeling happy.
The next day I was feeling so bad because my stomach was very weak, and I really think I ate and drink too much.
This afternoon I decided to take walk and was so funny because I was find with my school friends.
Then we went to the fonda and there I meet with my boyfriend and two friends, that was really cool because we enjoy the celebration together.
I really enjoy this holidays! 

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Hi I´m Fran, I´m 23 years old and my zodiacal signar is cancer.
This is my blog about my english class.
I study Teather Desing in the Art Faculty of de University of Chile, but before this I was studied Theory and History of Art in the same pleace for one year.
Now I try to finish the third year of my new career.